My name is Brittany Farrell, founder of Roatan Animal Support (RAS). Roatan Animal Support is a 501(c)(3) organization in the US.
Each year, RAS continues to dedicate aid to alleviate the suffering of helpless animals on the island of Roatan, Honduras. While we help whenever possible with animal fostering, emergency medical care, and adoptions our primary objective is to fund spay and neuter surgeries for stray animals and pets belonging to local families that cannot afford veterinary care.
However, this year considering the abandoned Roatan Rescue Animal Shelter of more than 500 dogs, cats, and horses, we added to our primary objective to provide support by way of much-needed resources to a group of “Rescue the Rescue” volunteers. You will find links to support this group here: Donate
In addition, items in the form of goods can be donated by accessing the “Rescue the Rescue” Amazon Gift List or brought into Roatan through travel. Your donations will be used to medicate and assist the sick and suffering island animals of Roatan.
Of the 500 animals abandoned at the Roatan Rescue Shelter, the volunteers that “Rescue the Rescue” have dedicated themselves to finding much-needed homes for these forgotten animals. Sadly, many of these animals have been determined to have medical injuries and illnesses that stand in the way. By supporting this effort, RAS and its group of volunteers can rehabilitate and rehome. For this, we THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts for providing us with the means to continue.
“Roatan Animal Support is a 501( c )(3) organization in the US. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous donation.”