Help Us Help Them
Donate to Rescue the Rescue
Rescue the Rescue
One Spay & Neuter at a Time
Roatan Animal Support is a non-profit organization dedicated to helping alleviate the suffering of helpless animals on our island. While we help whenever possible with animal fostering, emergency medical care and adoptions our primary objective is to fund spay and neuter surgeries for stray animals and pets belonging to local families that cannot afford veterinary care.
Studies have shown that just one unspayed female dog, her mate and all their offspring can create over 2,000 dogs within just four years and after six years, that number can soar to over 67,000. We feel that sterilization is one of the most instantaneous, effective ways of significantly reducing the overwhelming number of innocent animals on Roatan that ultimately end up defenseless, starving, hurt and facing a slow, painful death.
Help us by donating to our spay and neuter campaign! We are working with community leaders to identify local islanders that need assistance in having their pets sterilized to help prevent their neighborhood pet population.
Reducing the Unwanted Animal Population on Roatan
How to Help

Donate Formula
Often, abandoned kittens and puppies are found all over the island– sometimes as young as just…

Donate Medicine & Supplies
Medical supplies are in great demand as they significantly help us increase the number of animals that we…